Sunday, October 29, 2023

Bathroom pt 10

We came up to do some raking and to turn off the water.  I was able to grout the shower so the next time we come up we can seal and put in a door and should be able to shower again!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Shed pt 3

I was working by floor lights Tuesday night, but by this afternoon I had the roof on and a tarp mostly covering it.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Shed pt 2

I must have worked on the floor sometime during the week, because it is in.  I added some little blocks under the floor joints so the shed would sit higher then the deck on the front.  It was a good idea, but I still ended up trimming the bottom of the door so it would slide over the deck...  I didn't realize the door hung lower then the floor.

I made good progress and had the walls complete and the roof started on Sunday.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Oil cap goes pop?

On my way back from a volunteer event for Dakota County I pulled into the garage and smelled a terrible smell.  Like burning oil, and guess what it was.

The oil cap in my car was gone, I looked around and it had popped off and was fortunately sitting over on the right of the engine block.  However, it no longer would attach to the engine.  I ordered a replacement, and I could see that some little tabs had broken off, this riser piece that was added to this oil cap the year before my model.

Apparently, it was added so the oil wouldn't splash up and hit the cap I guess, but it introduced another point of failure I guess.